Shipping guide
1. when you place an order, you can select the shipping method according to your requirements.
If you choose free shipping, please wait 7-12 working days. We will send you a tracking number to track your shipment.
If you choose express delivery, please allow 4-7 working days for delivery. We will send you a tracking number to track your shipment.
2. things you should be aware of:
The delivery time varies depending on the location
Due to customs clearance, it may take longer for the products to reach you
We ship within 24 hours of accepting your order and payment
3. how are my shipping costs calculated?
We offer free shipping options. If a faster shipping option is required, additional shipping costs will apply. This is because faster logistics companies charge higher shipping costs.
4. can I deliver at the weekend? does not currently offer Saturday or Sunday delivery.
5. transportation safety
Your order can be tracked online and insured with your chosen courier's standard insurance. We will send you a tracking number once your order has been delivered. If the goods are lost, damaged or incorrectly delivered, you should notify the courier immediately. Alternatively, you can contact us. We will investigate the matter and assist you in making a possible insurance claim. Therefore, you may need to provide us with some relevant photos or documents as evidence. Depending on the situation, we will also consider a reshipment or refund.